Caxton is a collection of blocks that help you
make awesome WordPress pages
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Full width rows
With the Caxton Layout Block you can create full width rows.
Nested Columns
Add a row and then add columns underneath. Create spans, and add blocks within the sections you create.
Background images and colors
Add background images to rows.
Add Gradient Backgrounds
Choose 2 colors to create elegant Gradient backgrounds to your rows.
Overlay colors
Add overlay colors and change their opacity to make your text pop.
Column gap
Adjust the gutter size between columns.
Fully responsive
All layouts are responsive ‘out of the box’.
Mobile layouts
If you need extra mobile layout control you can set specific layouts for Desktop, Tablet and Phone
Section backgrounds
Add backgrounds to rows, columns and sections.
Margin and padding
Set specific padding for rows, columns and sections
Content position
Precisely set the position of your content within Blocks using padding.
Awesome Blocks
Caxton contains a growing library of awesome blocks.
Layout Block
The layout Block is the powerhouse behind Caxton. Create any layout you like.
Shape Divider Block
The Shape Divider Block makes it easy to create beautiful transitions between your Blocks.
Posts Grid Block
Add posts and filter by category. Customize the layout, change the featured image dimensions, add borders, add excerpts and more.
Slider Block
Easily add photo sliders that animate
Button Block
Create stand out buttons
Typography Block
Change font, font size, letter space, line spacing, font color, font style.
Call to action block
Create a compelling call to action, with customizable buttons.